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hellip英文什么意思,The Defiiio of Hellip

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The primary fucio of hellip or he ellipsis is o show ha some coe has bee omied from a quoaio orpassage. This omissiocould be for breviy, o remove irreleva iformaio, or o creae suspese

Example Seeces wih Hellip

hellip英文什么意思,The Defiiio of Hellip hellip英文什么意思,The Defiiio of Hellip NTF

She said, Well, I hik we should cosider all opios, ad if we do ha, he maybe we ca come o a cosesus,hellip

Hellip Oher Uses of

hellip英文什么意思,The Defiiio of Hellip hellip英文什么意思,The Defiiio of Hellip NTF

Besides idicaig omissios, he ellipsis ca also covey hesiaio, railig off, or a coiuaio of hough。


hellip英文什么意思,The Defiiio of Hellip hellip英文什么意思,The Defiiio of Hellip NTF

i coclusio,hellip I Eglish refers o he ellipsis a pucuaio mark idicaig omissios or pauses I ex or speech.Udersadig is usage ehaces comprehesio whe ecouerig i wriecommuicaio

