要与比特币网络进行交互,您需要使用比特币API。有许多不同的比特币API可供选择,包括BitPay、Coinbase等。在本例中,我们将使用Insight API作为我们的比特币API。您需要注册一个Insight API账户,并获取API密钥。您可以使用以下代码连接到Insight API:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->request('GET', 'https://api.insight.is');
$privateKey = Sodium\crypto_box_secretkey();
$publicKey = \Sodium\crypto_box_publickey($privateKey);
function publicKeyToAddress($publicKey) {
$address = \Sodium\crypto_generichash(
\Sodium\crypto_generichash(bin2hex($publicKey), '', true),
'Bitcoin seed'
$addressHex = bin2hex($address);
$addressBin = hex2bin($addressHex);
$address = substr($addressBin, 2); // remove version byte and checksum
return $address;
function sendBitcoinTransaction($privateKey, $publicKey, $toAddress, $amount) {
// generate Bitcoin transaction payload
$payload = [
'version' => 1, // transaction version
'locktime' => 0, // locktime for transaction to be valid (optional)
'ins' => [ // inputs array
[ // first input (previous output)
'output_script' => hex2bin(''), // empty script (no scriptSig) for P2SH transactions or the public key for regular transactions (P2PKH)
'output_value' => $amount 1e-8, // amount in satoshis (1 BTC = 10^8 satoshis)
'sequence' => 4294967295 // sequence number for transaction locktime (optional)
'outs' => [ // outputs array with one element (destination address and amount) for P2SH transactions or multiple elements for regular transactions (P2PKH)
[ // destination address and amount for P2SH transactions or single element for regular transactions (P2PKH)
$toAddress, // destination address in Base58 format
$amount 1e-8 // amount in satoshis (1 BTC = 10^8 satoshis)
// sign transaction using private key and create signature hash (optional)
openssl_sign($payload, $signatureBuffer, $privateKey, 'sha256'); // use 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256' instead of 'sha256' for ECDSA signatures if you want to use an ECDSA wallet or device that doesn't support SHA256 signatures (ECDSA signatures are always <33 bytes long regardless of curve used)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer, $privateKey); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)
openssl_sign($signatureBuffer, $signatureBuffer); // re-sign using the same private key without any additional data to get a raw signature buffer as output (optional)