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区块链技术名词中英对照(区块链技术英文缩写) NTF


1. 区块链(Blockchain)- a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions on multiple computers in a secure and transparent way.

2. 区块(Block)- a data block that contains a set of transactions and is added to the blockchain in a linear, chronological order.

3. 节点(Node)- a computer or device that participates in a blockchain network by validating transactions and adding new blocks to the blockchain.

4. 哈希值(Hash)- a unique digital fingerprint that represents the contents of a block or transaction and ensures its integrity.

5. 公钥/私钥(Public Key/Private Key)- a pair of cryptographic keys used to secure communication and authenticate transactions on a blockchain network.

6. 智能合约(Smart Contract)- a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement written into code and stored on the blockchain.

7. 挖矿(Mining)- the process of verifying transactions and adding new blocks to the blockchain through the use of specialized hardware and software.

8. 共识机制(Consensus Mechanism)- the algorithm or set of rules that ensure all nodes on a blockchain network agree on the validity of transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain.



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