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近几年出现的新词,The Rise of \\“Social Disacig\\”

Explorig he Impac of covid19 oour Vocabulary: From Social Disacig o Zoom Faigue

近几年出现的新词,The Rise of \“Social Disacig\” 近几年出现的新词,The Rise of \“Social Disacig\” 快讯

The Rise of ue-image" src="https://i01piccdn.sogoucdn.com/7c9554990cfa29ed?.png"/>

Sice he oubreak of covid19 he erm Zoom Faigue

近几年出现的新词,The Rise of \“Social Disacig\” 近几年出现的新词,The Rise of \“Social Disacig\” 快讯

Wih he shif o remoe work ad virual meeigs he pheomeo of ue-image" src="https://i01piccdn.sogoucdn.com/137256c10b23f859?.png"/>

As more compaies embrace remoe work arragemes . he acroym Ifodemic o Sociey近几年出现的新词,The Rise of \“Social Disacig\” 近几年出现的新词,The Rise of \“Social Disacig\” 快讯

I he age of social media ad24 / 7ews cycles,he erm ue-image" src="https://i01piccdn.sogoucdn.com/fe917b3b9068a56a?.png"/>

The covid19 pademic has oly reshaped our daily lives bu also our vocabulary. From socialdisacig\\“o \\”Zoom faigue,\\“hese ew erms reflec he challeges ad chages brough abou by he globalhealh crisis. As we coiue o adap o his ew ormal,i's impora o say iformed, coeced,ad midful of he impac of our words ad acios。

