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生活中的小常识英语(生活小常识英语怎么说) 行情

In our daily lives, there are many small but important things that we often overlook. These small knowledge and tips can help us save time, money, and even our lives. Here are some common life hacks that we should all know:

1. Use a rubber band to keep your phone from slipping out of your hand. Just tie a rubber band around the back of your phone and it will hold onto it securely.

2. If you have trouble opening jars, try tapping them on a counter or table edge before opening them with your hands. This will release the air inside, making it easier to open.

3. To clean a coffee maker without harsh chemicals, run a pot of water through it before adding any coffee or tea. This will remove any old residue and prevent new stains from forming.

4. To remove a stuck zip-tie, soak it in warm water for a few minutes before trying to pull it off. The softened plastic should be much easier to work with.

5. If you're having trouble getting your hair dry after showering, flip your head upside down and let gravity do its job. The excess water will flow down your spine, helping to dry your hair more quickly.

6. If you're running low on toilet paper, use newspaper instead. It may not be as soft or comfortable, but it will get the job done.

7. To clean a bathroom mirror without streaks, use a microfiber cloth dampened with vinegar or rubbing alcohol. Wring out the cloth and wipe down the mirror in a circular motion.

8. If you're having trouble cutting through frozen meat, submerge it in hot water for a few minutes before slicing it. This will thaw it out and make it easier to cut through.

9. To prevent ice from melting too quickly on your windshield, sprinkle salt on the snow first. The salt will act like an antifreeze and slow down the melting process.

10. If you're having trouble starting a fire in a fireplace, add more wood or kindling first. The additional fuel will help get the fire going faster.

By following these simple tips and tricks, you can save yourself time, money, and even your life in unexpected ways. So next time you're faced with a problem, don't hesitate to give one of these life hacks a try!


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