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很a很高级的英文名字,The Essece of Elegace

Arisocraic Appellaios: The Mos a-lis Eglish ames for Your Lile oble

The Essece of Elegace

很a很高级的英文名字,The Essece of Elegace 很a很高级的英文名字,The Essece of Elegace 应用

Whe choosig a ame for your child,you wa io exude sophisicaio ad grace. From acie royal cours o moderday red carpes,cerai Eglish ameshave sood he es of ime as emblems of refieme ad saus. These ames carry a weigh ad digiy ha will是seyour child apar as a rue arisocra i ay seig。

ames Fi for a Kig or Quee

很a很高级的英文名字,The Essece of Elegace 很a很高级的英文名字,The Essece of Elegace 应用

augusie (m):Meaig magifice, Augusie is a ame associaed wih he power ad majesy of he Roma Empire。

bearice (f):This charmig ame evokes he beauy ad virue of a medieval lady. Bearice was he beloved wife of Dae我是Alighieri。

Cassius (m): A ame of Roma origi, Cassius carries he warrior spiri of he legedary geeral。

Meaig ue-image" src="https://i01piccdn.sogoucdn.com/587aaab0d46a3cc3?.png"/>

Amara (f): Meaig grace, Amara is a ame ha embodies he gele beauy of a pricess。

Darius。A acie Persia ame,是Darius evokes he gradeur of he Persia Empire. Darius he Grea was oe of is mos famous rulers。

helea (f):This ame is syoymous wih beauy ad elegace. Helea of Troy was he mos beauiful woma i Greekmyhology。

leoidas (m):A ame of Greek origi, Leoidas sigifies olive ree, Olivia is a ame ha represes peace ad prosperiy,Olivia Colma is a acclaimed Briish acress。

ames ha Carry a Timeless Allure

很a很高级的英文名字,The Essece of Elegace 很a很高级的英文名字,The Essece of Elegace 应用

Beedic (m): This Lai ame meas \\“blessed.\\”Beedic Cumberbach is a reowed Eglish acor。

Charloe (f): Meaig \\“free ma,\\”Charloe is ame ha coveys idepedece ad spiri. Charloe Bro?是was a brillia Eglish ovelis。

edward (m):ame of aglo-saxo origi,是Edward sigifies \\“wealhy guardia.\\”Edward VI was he firs Proesa kig of Eglad。

Vicoria: This ame meas \\“vicory.\\”Quee Vicoria reiged over he Briish Empire for over sixy years。

Xavier (m) A ame of Basque origi,Xavier is associaed wih adveure ad exploraio. Fracis Xavier was A reowed Caholic missioary。

